Or…profit with purpose
One of the big things that we’re seeing at the moment is that the way people are living has changed however, what we are being sold or lead to aspire to, hasn’t.
What is currently for sale is ‘the big 3 or 4 bedroom home’ and not only that, the actual house these days is indeed a lot bigger – and the yards are a lot smaller.
However, further to research, we’re finding that the make-up of families is changing with statistics from the Australian Institute of Family Studies showing an increase in the number of single person households which means many in that demographic are likely to be paying for considerably more space than they actually need.
Not only have we got a lot of these big houses being underutilised, it has also created the knock-on effect of an unaffordable accommodation crisis for those who simply need one or two bedroom accommodation rather than unachievable expense of 3 or 4 bedrooms.
In turn, this has lead to the traumatic ‘no fixed address’ situation of people having to sleep in their cars, camp in unsafe situations and couch-surfing. This rise in homelessness is no longer limited to the already impoverished that live on our streets but we’re seeing professional people that can’t find a place to live – key workers such as nurses, teachers paramedics – people who support our community who can’t find local accommodation.
So, how can we leverage the power of capitalism to change this dilemma?
By providing people with homes that actually match the way that we’re living.
Building more one and two bedroom affordable, sustainable and inclusive properties is crucially important and here at High Impact Property Investments we are working to do just that by finding and raising capital for ethical property projects which allow investors to not only make double-digit returns but also to invest in alignment with their values and to be part of the solution.
Profit with Purpose. For us, it’s just that feeling of doing something good with your money while being well rewarded for it – what better investment is there than that?