The busy professional’s guide to double digit returns from affordable and sustainable homes.

An Excerpt From The Book
The premise is that through ethical property investing, you can build your own wealth and contribute to building the collective wealth of society. All you need is the right process, partners and investors.
We’re here to bust the pervasive myth that you can’t make money through investing in affordable homes, sustainable properties, Specialised Disability Accommodation, and building resilient communities.
We’ve distilled what we’ve learned in the process of creating property investments with the potential to transform lives into a simple 7 step process we call the ETHICAL Framework. It’s a tried-and-true method we use to evaluate and manage the projects we share with our clients. The elements of the ETHICAL Framework, which will be discussed in detail in later chapters, and which will provide you with the intelligence you need to go ahead and create your own part of the solution, are:
- Experience
- Track record
- High impact
- Investment risk
- Collaborators
- Alignment
- Legacy
It really is possible for you to build long term sustainable wealth while helping to create a more inclusive, liveable, community-minded and sustainable world – and I hope you’re ready to do just that.
About The Book
When Dr Dionne Payn completed her first affordable housing property development – achieving double digit returns on her investment as well as making a genuine positive social impact – she knew she had found her calling.
Five years, a steep learning curve and a successful track record of ever more ambitious, sustainable and affordable property developments later, Dr Dionne is on a mission to raise $1 Billion for ethical property investments by December 2026.
In E.T.H.I.C.A.L. Property Investing, Dr Dionne spells out the secrets of her success through the E.T.H.I.C.A.L property investment framework. You’ll find out why it works and how. You’ll learn how to assemble the right property development team. And you’ll discover why the growing demand for affordable homes, building resilient communities and specialist disability accommodation means that you too can profit from doing good.
E.T.H.I.C.A.L. Property Investing is your key to helping to create a more sustainable, socially cohesive and rewarding future. Read it and begin your transformation today.

Praise For The Book
“‘Must read” may be ubiquitous, but rarely has it been so relevant. Entertaining throughout and delivered by one of precious few who have the expert knowledge to make a topic like this accessible to all”
Ross Hastings, CEO of Ne-Lo