We partner investors looking for double digit returns with projects that provide affordable and sustainable homes.
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Is ETHICAL Property Investing for you

- You need your money to work for you
- You can see the challenges happening in the world and you want to help but you don’t know how
- You don’t feel good about the investments you are currently making
We work with investors to achieve
- Double Digit Returns
- Be Part of The Solution
- Invest In Alignment With Their Values

Maximise Your Chances Of Success
The E.T.H.I.C.A.L framework is a set of seven principles that help investors to maximise their chances of success when it comes to ethical property investing.

We partner investors with projects appropriate to their level of property investment experience.
Track Record
We match our clients to projects lead by developers that consistently deliver successful outcomes.
High Impact
The projects we promote deliver affordable homes, sustainable properties, resilient communities and inclusive homes for people with disabilities.
Investment Risk
We ensure the developer has identified the risks so you can make an informed decision based on your risk profile.
We work with developer partners that have a strong team of internal and external collaboration partners.
Aligned Values
We partner investors to projects lead by purpose-driven organisations with a commitment to win-win outcomes.
We look for projects that will leave a positive legacy for the community and society long into the future.